Thursday, June 3, 2010

Adventure In Shopping and Virgin Blogging

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Jen, and I am a virgin blogger. My friend Katie, a blogger in her own right, has suggested several times to me that I should start one of my very own. So, here I am. I have no blogging experience to speak of, but I do have a degree in journalism (that I'm thinking might finally be put to good use here). Hopefully, I will get the hang of this before too long, but in the meantime, please bear with me.

What is this blog going to be about, you're probably wondering? My answer, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The concept was originally conceived based on my flair for finding great buys at great prices, and what I like to call my Adventures in Shopping. Clothes, jewelry, home decor stuff, makeup, you name it. It's a talent that I have cultivated over the years, quite unconsciously. And frankly, I'm a little concerned that it might not translate on here, as anything of great interest to anyone but myself and maybe a few dedicated friends of mine. But what the heck, I guess I'll give it the old college try, and see what happens.

My most recent find was on a trip to Wally World earlier this week. As some of you already know, I'm working out of town during the week, about three hours away from home, and I come home on the weekends to my wonderfully eccentric man. I love you, babe. Anyway, I digress. Somehow this week, I managed to forget most of my luggage at home...including my undies. Of course, I realized this right as I reached my destination. Perfect timing. I pictured my packed bags sitting on the bed where I left them, and ran through a list of expletives out loud to myself in the privacy of my car. Great, I thought...I have to go to f*&$%#@# WalMart! Not a good start to the week.

Although I can appreciate WalMart for it's "low low pricing", I do not enjoy the majority of the clientele I encounter there. Call me a snob, but I don't like trashy mo' fos who relish in beating their kids in public. Nevertheless, Natchitoches does not have a Target, so my options are very limited. After picking out my Hanes hipsters, and on my way to the hair care aisle, I meandered through the women's clothing for a quick peek. Nope. Nope. Nope. Then ta dah! There it was, a striking little number in a sea of cheap looking wanna be trendy clothing with Hanna Montana's stripper-fied alter ego attached to it (aka Miley Cyrus). Oops. Again, I digress. Anyway, it's a red, white and blue plaid, knee length sun dress by Faded Glory. The best part, I scooped it up for a mere $9! That's right, nine measly bucks. I picked out my size, and bought it without trying it on. I know, this is a dicey move I make way too often. If it doesn't fit, I'll need to make another trip to hell to return it. Or, I'll be stuck with a dress that is paid for, but doesn't fit. I'd like to say the latter hasn't happened all that often in the past, but I'd be lying to you if I did. I'm not perfect people! Jeez. Fortunately, this time, it fit. Another shopping adventure success to round out an otherwise nerve wracking day. That's what it's all about folks, life's small victories. Til next time, happy bargain hunting to you all!